I picked up a delivery this morning: a package full of intertubes.
Stand by for full connectedness.
My title here reminded me of a story my old boss let me in on. He was interviewing for a drafting position, and was trying to get a handle on how much the dud knew about AutoCAD. He asked him about blocks, and the fella said "Yeah, they can come in different shapes, and colours, and stuff." For those unfamiliar, Blocks are user-defined groups of entities (such as lines circles etc) whereby all instances of the block in a drawing are updated when one is changed. So to say that they can come in different colours and shapes was very funny to us… *sigh*. Geek humour.
Beware: hypocritical rant/ramblings to follow…
When I starting writing this thing, I mentioned that I had given in to it. It's only really just occurred to me what "it" is. It is my perception that everyone writes these things as a cry for significance, in a space that recognises no-one. "Make me real" we (now) say. "I want to be important to someone!" But "it" is also the fact that with EVERYONE screaming, crying and wailing for attention, who is there left to pay attention? And if they do, who can tell?
I write these things, but why? Do I want to get it off my chest, or do I want to gloat about my own depth of thought? So the hypocrite in me ignores the dissonance, and writes it anyway, hoping for many varied comments on my profound perceptions, while that part of me that is uncomfortable with it hopes that no-one will read it anyway, what with everyone else screaming at the same time.
The internet (and blogs specifically) might very well be one of the last places in "western" society where we want to be more contributors than consumers. Everywhere else, it's "gimme gimmee", but here, who want to read a well written article, without being able to offer their two cents' worth for all and sundry to see. "That's all well and good, but you didn't think about this" or "No, you're wrong and I have to tell everyone".
No real paradox there, then. Instead of "gimme" content, it's "gimme" significance. And here endeth the rant.
I dunno. Whatever.
Funny thing: when you don't buy tickets, you can't go. Turns out lotsa folk want to go see Gotye (Wally DeBacca), and 'cos we's slack and didn't get ourselves all ticketed up, nice'n'early, we have prolly missed out on seeing him and his mates in the Powerhouse next month. Unless you have some spare tickets you'd like to swap for easy-carry cash…
I heard a Karnivool cover of one of his songs last week, v. rocking! Apparently there's an album out now (or soon) of covers and remixes of the stuff from "Like Drawing Blood", called … ah, what was it? "I can't Remember". Drat. Will keep you posted… Ah, ooggle, you are my friend. It's "Mixed Blood" of course. Might be worth a listen.
Of course, a "queal" is a small rodent that had found the freddo first, and the noise it made was when Carmen trapped it to put it outside….
Not much on this weekend, only 4 appointments…
Chalkie & Yorkie's House-warming Saturday lunch, then that evening we'll prolly go to the Sofitel (I think) for 'zert and to hear Andy and Robyn play ("Dynamic Duo", from our wedding fame), Sunday evening I'm driving the bus, plus we have 'zert with Ben & Bonnie.
But talking about our wedding, yesterday was 3months/13 weeks. To "celebrate" I hid 9 strawb freddos in fairly obvious spots around the house… You should have heard the queal when she found the first one, and then when the second was found, and it was realised that there were more… It was like mini-Christmas crossed with an Easter-egg hunt...
Went to CityView 4x4 Park in Jimboomba (near Beaudessert … sweeet) on the weekend, with Brendan (prado), Doug (prado), Geoff (prado), Francois (hilux) and Mick (patrol). Tops fun, all the blokes had a ball I reckon, in spite of the damage. Brendan now wants rock sliders, I think, and I need a new aerial. Geoff's sliders are proven (although a bit dented), and Dougie was stoked to have the most flex.
Expect some footage and photos when the intertubes come home, maybe next week.
I'm starting to think that more droop would be nice, especially in the front end, and even with the rear sway bar disconnected, there wasn't as much articulation as I expected, probably due to the stiff rear springs (extra leaf). We did ok tho, with some very satisfying steps and jump-ups completed with no damage, minimal touching, and minor wheel-lifting… Wait for the pics...
Oh, and most of the wives and kids probably won't be coming next time we go…