Hung it up with the wheels off to make it easy to paint the underside.

All sor'ed. Registrated and all. Numberplate is CM...., so I tell Carmen it's her responsibility now. For everything short of selling it, that is...
I'm a nuncle again!! Liam Christopher Matthews was borned today, and isn't he a cutie!
If you wanta see vid, go here.
It's strange: we're in the middle of negotiating the biggest purchase of our lives, and I'm quite relaxed about the time it's taking…
Normally I make a purchase, then investigate the options, because I get impatient and just want the thing now. But this time, although I'm very keen to get it done, I'm quite happy to wait to let the vendor sweat a bit. Let him come down to meet us. Of course Carmen is just itching…
Spoke with a bloke last night who had his vendor come down almost 50G, so that's pretty cool for him. Ours wouldn't be that much right now, but ...
Guy1: I'm thinking about a new *phone brand* "Shiney".
Guy2: Had one. Brand new. Dropped it in the toilet.
Nicely. Dude actually called it the "Shiney". Huh.