28 September 2007
Trailer Finished
Hung it up with the wheels off to make it easy to paint the underside.
All sor'ed. Registrated and all. Numberplate is CM...., so I tell Carmen it's her responsibility now. For everything short of selling it, that is...
Wierd stuff- again
Let's start out gently...
And then progressively get stranger...
For more, see an autosalon site.
21 September 2007
Nuncle Again!
I'm a nuncle again!! Liam Christopher Matthews was borned today, and isn't he a cutie!
If you wanta see vid, go here.
16 September 2007
...In the middle of our street, ...
And here it is...
12 September 2007
Funny behaviour
It's strange: we're in the middle of negotiating the biggest purchase of our lives, and I'm quite relaxed about the time it's taking…
Normally I make a purchase, then investigate the options, because I get impatient and just want the thing now. But this time, although I'm very keen to get it done, I'm quite happy to wait to let the vendor sweat a bit. Let him come down to meet us. Of course Carmen is just itching…
Spoke with a bloke last night who had his vendor come down almost 50G, so that's pretty cool for him. Ours wouldn't be that much right now, but ...
09 September 2007
Wierd stuff
See Badgers, Kenya (both "Weebl and Bob"), for ready examples.
And really, you gotta know about Homestar Runner by now...
Thanks heaps Pat.
MyFace, BookSpace, et al
See Carmen's blog.
I can't be bothered, either creating ANOTHER account with ANOTHER website, to read their advertising, be bothered by an email telling me that someone sent me an email, and stuff. I figgure, if you want your photos to be publicly available, and want your mates who you don't catch up with regularly to know what's going on, Get a photo account with someone like flickr or photobucket, and maybe start a blog.
"Social networking", my donkey." They JUST WANT YOUR DETAILS TO SELL TO PEOPLE, people.
Or whatever.
06 September 2007
Guy1: I'm thinking about a new *phone brand* "Shiney".
Guy2: Had one. Brand new. Dropped it in the toilet.
Nicely. Dude actually called it the "Shiney". Huh.
03 September 2007
02 September 2007
Video linkup
Now YouTube says i can paste some text or some such, for embedded or something... Here goes:
Checkout the lifted wheel!! eleven!1
Direct link here.