Saturday afternoon, after the nap: got a 12V power point in the front of the car (commonly called cigarette lighter) that doesn't work so much. I figure, let's check it out. No worries, remove the dash - wait, gotta take out the centre console, to move the gear-lever surround, to remove the dash lower. K, got the centre console bin out, hey look, 3 of Carmen's bobbi pins. (Dunno why I spelt it that way, I just did, ok?) Clean out some of the rubbish. Oh, hey, the Handbrake light switch is down here somewhere, let's fix that too. Ah, there it is, ok, works like that. Ah, that paddle-pop™ stick musta been blocking the switch. Sor'd. Right, move the gearstick surround, dash out. Hmm, gotta get the stereo out by the look of it. Mucka-bout, mucka-bout, ah, there it goes. Here we go… right, gotit. Oh, didn't need to get the stereo out after all. Oh well, no harm done.
K, so there are the light socket leads. Oh, they all look fine. Wiggle, wiggle. All firm. Nothing obvious wrong. Drat. Empty mission there, then. Oh well, at least the handbrake warning light won't stay on any more. All back together. Nurries. Oh, hey, here's the replacement lock barrel for the passenger door. (When I bought the car, it was all munted.) Righto, let's see what this involves …
Door lining off, unplug light and windows, peel back plastic lining, muck-about, pull it out,
new one in, done. Plastic back, switches back, lining back, sor'd. Hmm. Doesn't seem to work, in that it doesn't actually unlock the door. Key turns it, no worries, door still unlocks with the central/alarm button, but … no unlocking with key. Oh well. Next time.
Pack up, tools back into the garage, drive car into gar- wait, what?? The hand-brake light stays on? … Huh.
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