07 April 2008

If you're go-ing, to Saaaan, Fraaannn, Sisko....

Jet lagged. Too tired. Only photos. (Good time though...)

Click for embiggenation. (Or is it embiggenment?)

Oh, and Stu: have a look at the file sizes. You might have big breakfasts, but you can get the same nutrition with far smaller calories. If you'd like to find how, just ask...

Hyde St, with cable car tracks.

Looking down Hyde to Alcatraz.

Lombard St.

Some bridge or something

And some other bridge. Tall like Gateway, then long. 11km.

That's all.

1 comment:

Luke said...

great pics dude, i'm jealous. did you get to fly business class seeing as how you were there for... business?