Bathroom extractor vent out thru eaves.

Vent tube.

The LAST sheet of gyp board going up, in the bathroom

Nailing down the under-tile sheeting in the bathroom. Turns out either I suck at nails, or that stuff is hard to nail.

Floor completed (bathroom)

Bath mixer and spout plumbing (by licenced professional)

Bath support frame (by rank amateur) (for LOTS of hours)

Checking into studs for bath

Bath support frame

Bath support and end hobb

Frame sans bath

"Form-work" for bath support concrete

The state of our living room for several months

My Bride, cooking in our new kitchen

Completed bath support frame and conrete.

Water in bath to settle it into the concrete as it cured. And guess what? No squeaks or grinding. Thanks HEAPS, Glen.

Villa-board throughout bathroom. Nailed every 150mm on every stud.

Plasterer came and set all our walls. Didn't even complain too much about the shoddy workmanship, so I can't have done too badly hanging it...

Sweeping the plaster dust from ALL the walls and ceilings.

So there you go again. Sorry about that.
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