11 April 2010

No updates, Sorry

I have been slack, haven't I. Well, stand by for an attempt to remedy...

Yesterday started off pretty badly, with Poppy waking up well clogged in the nasals, so we wagged swimming lesson. She and I played, and Carmen shopped and cleaned and cooked, and I washed up.

For lunch, Kenyon and Krishelle came over, with their 4 yo twin girls, and Stu also came. We met K&K at church, and Stu used to work with Kenyon. Was a great BBQ, with the best ever smoky marinated steaks, and best ever homemade cheesecake. Very nice afternoon. Shame Christy couldn't come because of necessary practice.

In the late afternoon we cleaned ourselves up, and went up to Petrie for Russell and Briallen's engagement party. Was good fun. Managed to catch up with Brenton and Sarah there. But Poppy was not so flash. We put on the vapouriser when we got home, for the first time in ages.

This morning she was a lot better, but I thought it was still good for her not to go to church, so just Carmen went. Then after lunch, there were compulsory sleeps for all, with the little one getting nearly 3 hours, the medium one getting about an hour, and the big one getting about 200 pages... hehehe.

And playing this afternoon was fun. We asked Poppy if she could stand on one leg, and she immediately obliged! Freaked us out no end. (She was hanging onto the coffee table, but we didn't tell her not to... Clever kid.) And now leftover steak, and snags and eggs and chips for dinner, in front of the ... favourite tv show...

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