27 November 2007

bored yet?

So, have you stopped checking my blog? I haven't. Nah, 's true. I have an rss feed to my google.com/ig and every time I scroll down to see if there are any new posts here.

There aren't.

So, what have we done?

Activities have included such things as:

Spent the weekend with friends at Marcoola.

Helped Ben and Bonnie move. We moved into our new house. Housewarming party. Helped Steve and Schalk move. Helped John H move. Helped Matt and Liss move (well, took their mower and whipper-snipper over, anyway. Moved some stuff of Stu and Christy's to our place.

Going to NZ tomorrow for 5 days.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Rob, it's me Luci. Just thought I'd let you know that some one does check your blog every now and then just to see what you're up to. Just wanted to say Hi.